Spoiler Control


As an avid reader, I have often wondered what the author was thinking when they created the many aspects of their story. The world building, the plot arcs, the background of the characters.
How do they pronounce the names they created and am I even close when I say them in my head?

Where did they get their research material? Are the images of the various entities in book the same in my head as they were in the original authors?
The characters, creatures, flora, architecture and even geology... everything.

I wanted to give a visitor, an insight into what was going through my head when I was writing the story. What gave me inspiration and the background research I did.
The obvious problem was how to avoid giving way too much information and spoiling the story for any prospective reader.

How it works.

This is a screenshot from the Story Lathe application for creating main characters.

The highlighted area allows me to put in a text search phrase and it will search all
the current chapters and scenes for the nominated story to find the first occurrence of the word.

It's not an exact science. Sometimes the item will appear in the story before it is referenced
by name so you need to find something specific about item.
This is where using a specific phrase is better than a single word.

I can do this for most elements for any story that I write.

Spoiler Tools

What should I do?

You can select three options in the way you want to view the information.
This is done through the stories menu option.
  1. I haven't read the book so just give me the minimal - No spoilers.
    Just the Synopsis and the Prologue.

  2. I'm currently reading this book and I've read X% of Chapter Y.
    Don't let me see anything past that point.

  3. I don't care or I have finished the book. Give me it all without restriction.

I chose using a percentage over a page number or some other method as if the book is published in different formats, Hard cover, e-book etc, then page numbers will change by the whims of the publisher or the font size used in a e-book by user preference.