About Me

Born in 1957 Melbourne Australia. Lived in Park Orchards, Croyden then Neerim South in country Victoria. Introduced into blacksmithing at an early age by my maternal grandfather, I also developed a lifelong interest in general history, archaeology and the space sciences.
Attended Neerim South primary then High School until Year 11, continued at Drouin High School for a short time then dropped out and joined the Australian Air-force in 1977.
A room mate at the time had new TRS-80 computer and I was entranced. I taught myself to code and wrote some simple programs in GWBasic. It ignited a passion for application development that still burns to this day.
Married in 1983. Finished my stint in the Air-force in 1989 and moved back to Victoria working various jobs.
Divorced in 1996 and moved to Western Australia.
Ended up a single dad, worked part time jobs until kids were in school full time then got back into IT working in support.
Worked for various IT companies until accepting a manager role in a large international mining group, working in several IT related roles.
Travelled with the company to the England, France, U.S., Canada and lived in Guinea, West Africa for about 12 months.
Came back to Australia in 2011 and made redundant in 2019 and decided to retire.

Started to write some short stories and found that really enjoyed the process. My writing skills were at a middling corporate email level, so rather limited for writing a fantasy novel.
I started the long journey to learn the craft of writing, absorbing any information I could, while starting a large story to practice what I was learning.

Several well needed drafts later, picking up on my initial mistakes and correcting them, I felt my burgeoning skills were starting to form into an actual style.

Alongside the process, I built an application to help me write. To keep track of all my notes, bibliography data, reference images and a myriad of other things. When writers block hit at times, as it inevitably does, I was able spend time refining the application and the tool sets.
Now living a quiet life in Western Australia, a proud grandfather spending my time writing, coding, maintaining this web site and pottering around in the shed. I still do the odd blacksmithing job when I need something around the house.